Carol Henderson

Welcome to The Hands-On Learning Store!

I’m Carol Henderson, author and webmaster of The Hands-On Learning Store,, &   These sites evolved after years of teaching my own kids at home as well as classes in a large, homeschool co-op. 

I love creating hands-on activities and projects almost every week for my history & geography students.  The websites and The Hands-On Learning Store are a way I can offer all this creative energy to other teachers for their homeschools or creative classrooms. 

Take a minute to browse the store!

Hands-On Geography

Lets Go Geography - a geography curriculum for homeschools, co-ops, & creative classrooms

All geography products come from the LetsGoGeography curriculum. The full curriculum provides 32 country studies & general geography lessons per year, & there are 3 years to choose from! The Hands-On Learning Store also lets you choose any country study to purchase individually from the 90 different countries & regions available!

Because the LetsGoGeography curriculum is multi-grade, it is an economical choice for homeschools. Grades K-8 start with the same lesson, learning about each country together. While Grades K-2 finish their study with the coloring &/or crafts in the lesson, Grades 3-5 branch out with their Geography Journals & Continent Maps, & Grades 6-8 turn to the assignments in their Continents, Countries, & Cultures.

The creativity in Let’s Go Geography keeps all ages engaged and motivated to learn geography!

Hands-On History

A Book In Time offers history reading choices for almost all historical time periods. is a valuable resource for hands-on history teachers, & the source for all history products offered at this store. The site lists kids’ reading books for almost any historical era, with short descriptions & grade level recommendations. And it offers hands-on history crafts & timeline resources, too.

And to be super honest with you, I have ignored the history website lately because my concentrated focus has been on geography. So the history site may show some signs of neglect at the moment. But it still offers great information! Check it out!